Come, enjoy and sing with fellow members in the International Virtual Choir
Come, enjoy and sing with fellow members in the International Virtual Choir
An awesome experience ! Do you want to participate in the International Virtual Choir production (IVC project) ?
Easy ! Record a video following below steps and send us the file.
To get started we propose to sing together 'What a friend we have in Jesus(English Hymnal Book 226). You can sing the three verse in your mothertong then the first verse in English (this way all singers will sing the last verse in English). Playing an instrument ? We are happy to get your musical contribution ... would be great if some of you could also play Alto/Tenor and Bass beside the main Soprano.Please let us know the name of your instrument in case it is something special.
All you have to do is to send us your video via WhatsApp on +33 6 19 88 69 19
Important note : by sending us/sharing your vidéo capture, you accept that we'll use it for the IVC project and once finalized (with all other singers) to publish it on the internet.
What needs to happen, very concretely ?
1. Watch the guiding video either on a computer or an ipad, please use a Headset or Earpods. You can use the 4 voices video or if easier for you select your own voice in the videos below (Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass). Important is to stay in the rythm.
2. When ready and while listening, use your phone (in landscape mode = horizontal) to record video and song (verse 1,2,3 in English or your mother tong, then once more the first verse in English). Hint 1 : do not cut after your last word, let it record another 3-4 seconds to give us a chance to close it properly in the final cut ;-). And second hint : No worries if your own voice is not that perfect, we will anyway mix it all to make the real song of the choir, at no point anybody will listen to your single voice ... so please in all cases share your recording.
3. Send us your file via Whatsapp on the following phone +33 6 19 88 69 19 (please also add your first name or a nickname). In case you sing in a special language (other than English, French or German, please also specify the name of that language ... this will help us for the cut of the video)
4. As soon as we have collected enough video files, we will update this web page informing you. We will try to regularly post news on progress here and once the full video is available (will probably take some time :-) we will publish the link here. If you wish you can also let us know an email where we can keep you posted (see contact form below, we will be using
Soprano singer
Alto singer
Tenor singer
Bass singer
1.What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry
ev’rything to God in prayer!
Oh what peace we often forfeit
Oh, what need-less pain we bear!
All because we do not carry
ev’rything to God in prayer
2.Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble any where?
The should never be discouraged
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a Friend so faithful
who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness
take it to the Lord in prayer
3.Are we weak and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care ?
Precious Saviour still our refuge
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do our friends despise, for sake us?
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
In His arms He’ll take and shield us;
we will find sweet solace there.
4.What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry
ev’rything to God in prayer!
Oh what peace we often forfeit
Oh, what need-less pain we bear!
All because we do not carry
ev’rything to God in prayer
News feed :
11 may 2020: The deadline has been set for May 20 at noon (central europe timezone)
10 may 2020: Great news : We announce that the video of the virtual choir will be broadcast during the divine Pentecost service on May 31 ! 😍🔥
4 may 2020: We've already received over 300 contributions from all over the world (Europe, South America, Asia, etc...). !! Next target is to get to 500 videos :-).
Not yet contributed to the project ?
It is still time to send us your video either singing or playing an instrument, all you need to do is stay in the same rhythm as the published guiding videos ... we've just released a quick 'How to ?' tutorial. Looking forward to your great contributions. You had fun capturing your sequence ... the IVC team is also looking forward to a good laugh, share your 'behind the scene' or 'epic failures' ... if we get enough contributions, we may release a special make off sequence ..
You have contributed and are eager to know when the final cut will be released ? Stay tuned and make the buzz around you ... you know a christian friend in a far away or very special location or simply a neighbor in the same city as you, get in touch and motivate her/him to contribute. We still need more contributions to make it really phenomenal. As soon as a release date for the full video is known, we will inform you. Take care and stay healthy.
30 april 2020: Great news : we've just opened participation for instrumental contribution also🥳 (Soprano / Alto / Tenor and Bass ... you can simply use the Organ track to keep in sync) !
Do not hesitate and go for it ! Make us dream, feel original 😉 ... we are looking forward to your great contribution.
(If you have already participated by voice and want to also send us an instrumental vidéo ... go for it, we still have space left for you)
25 april 2020 : We got many questions on the deadline for participating and submitting your video file ... actually we have not set a hard deadline yet, rather we will collect the videos and inform you on progress via the social networks and the website ... as soon as we've reached enough participations, we will start composing the final video and keep you posted as soon as it is ready.
So best is to submit as soon as possible ... and come visit us regularly, we will keep you posted. Stay tuned .
24 april 2020 : Project is being disclosed to the public world. Official NAC social medias (especially IYC 2019) are publishing the link to WebSite. In just few hours videos are already being posted ;-) ... project is now really kicked off !
14 april 2020 : Project Kick-off.